
"Sing out loud in the car, even, or especially, it embarrasses your children."

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Over a decade...

It has to have been over 10 yrs that I have had a serious haircut. Everybody knows me for my unruly, curly hair. Well, as of last Thursday it is gone and so is Schane's. She was not about to get a haircut first without me going first so I had to be the gopher.

At first Bonnie, the stylist, said are you sure you want to go that short? You never know how it's going to turn out because curly hair kinks up so badly. My friend Deb convinced her that she needed to cut it short. I told her if it turns out bad then I won't be back & I would just have to wear a hat to work every day. She liked my honesty & said ok.

After Schane' saw it all being chopped off & I wasn't crying hysterically she decided that she wanted to go short too. The only thing that I really don't like is that we really look like twins. Deb said we already looked like twins but I think it's worse now. I want Schane' to have her own individuality I said & Deb assured me that I didn't have anything to worry about.

Schane' got 8 inches cut off & we sent it off to Locks of Love. They can't use it for the hairpieces because it's not enough hair but it will be used for other purposes. Bonnie said that my hair was badly damaged & would not be able to send even 6 inches in. That means that all my beautiful, unruly curls went in the garbage can.

I like Schane's hair much better than mine though it is VERY easy to take care of. Schane' can now comb her own hair withouth me attacking it & making her mad. This makes her VERY happy.

Schane' has been riding her bike in the evenings while I have been walking & I can say that it is a lot cooler having short hair. I haven't had to put my hair up at all which by now would be up every day because we are going on 11 days with over a 100 degree weather.

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