
"Sing out loud in the car, even, or especially, it embarrasses your children."

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Black Friday

I was going to make a slide show but I just figured out tonight that I have to take my computer in to get some work done on it. So, I am not sure how many pics I will upload but I do want to say that we had a great day & the girls for the most part were great.

We spent the night at Deb's on Thursday & decided that we would go to the mall at 5am. I know that it's pretty late for Black Friday shopping but Deb did not want to get up at 3 so we compromised by getting up at 4 instead. I took a pic of the clock when we were about to leave the house.

The girls were great. They got up easily & were pretty cheery. Deb on the other hand needed caffeine so we stopped somewhere to get her a soda & some gatorgades for the girls & we were on our way. One main reason we wanted to go was because one of our local news crews is always at the mall closest to us on Black Friday & we wanted to see if we could get the girls on tv.

Schane' & I watch this station every day so she knows their names. The man that we both really like was already gone by the time that we got there. It took awhile but we did manage to get a picture with the main lady, Tara. She was really cool too. I practically stopped her after she was done with a segment & when she was done talking to some other people I asked her real quick if we could get a picture of her with the girls. She said sure & I hurried & took the picture because I did not know how much time she had before she was on again. Later we happened to go by the area when it was 9am when they are off the air & we could get pictures then. I wish I would have known so I wouldn't have hurried before. We did get another picture of somebody that we like. His name is Dan. He was a so nice. He pulled up a chair & sat down & put his arms around the girls. The girls were so excited after having their picture taken with "somebody famous" as Schane' puts it that they were doing little squeals of giddyness.

We all did manage to be on tv. It was pretty funny how it happened too. The kids were behind Tara while she was doing a segment. If you're not looking for the girls then you would miss them. You would also miss me if you weren't looking but I was noticeable. Deb on the other hand was very noticeable. Her step mom even texted her to say that she saw her. When we got home later we went on their website & found the part where we were all on at different times. I took a picture of Deb off the computer. Yes, that's her with the Jack sweatshirt on.
Sorry, but I will have to finish tomorrow. You can look for Part II of Black Friday.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

I have no pictures for you today. Mainly because I am all by myself today. Schane' just left to spend the rest of the day with her dad. I could have gone to Deb's parents house for Thanksgiving but I really don't feel at home there so I am choosing to stay home. I'm going to do a little cleaning, get the Christmas tree & decorations out, & watch movies.

Anyway, as I was driving home from Deb's house today I noticed how many people were enjoying the great weather we are having. Then I got to thinking, why don't we see this every day or night or even on the weekends? Do you ever notice how on Thanksgiving everybody actually seems to want to be with other people? I noticed so many people riding bikes, roller blading, playing at the park, walking, etc. Maybe it's because a lot of people don't have to work today, but even on weekends you don't see people enjoying each other's company like you do on Thanksgiving.

That should really tell us something. Spend more time actually living & doing something. Don't just live day to day not doing anything & then wait for that one day (Thanksgiving) when it's kind of the thing to do. Get out & enjoy each other's company. Be thankful everyday. At our church service last night they called it Thanksliving. Exactly what I am talking about.

I pray that everybody had a blessed day & that you will continue to "live" each day that God gives you.

Happy Thanksgiving!!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

A great lady...

I wasn't going to blog tonight but I just happened to look at last nights blog & saw a comment from a woman that I haven't seen in yrs. She deserves recognition because she was one cool lady. Yes Cindy, I am talking about you. And this little story is for you.

I moved into a house with a woman who lost her husband a yr ago. She isn't often here because she goes back & forth between Michigan & Arizona. I think having a child in the house really helped her at the time. After awhile Schane' became really comfortable with Joan, she didn't know her very well to begin with, & she started sneaking up on her. Does this sound familiar? And yes, she LOVES to scare her! I couldn't figure it out. Where does she get this from? It wasn't until awhile back that you left a comment & it all fell into place. ME. One simple word.

I do have to say though that she isn't as good as I was. I mean, when you broke your wrist I was a lot older than Schane'. I'll give her a few yrs & maybe she could be as good as I was.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Yeah Schane'!

For some reason Schane's teacher did not send home the Friday folder that usually gets sent home, well, on Friday's, of course. As Schane' was reading aloud to me tonight I was going through all the papers from the folder. I suddenly came across two spelling tests that they take on Friday's. I noticed that she got a 100 & then looked on the back because they also take a math test following the spelling test. I noticed that on one side of the paper she got them alright & beside that she had some problems with other math problems.

Her score was in the mid 80"s! I was soooooo ecstatic I was talking at the same time while she was reading so she started yelling at me to be quiet because I'm the one who told her to read aloud. I let her finish reading & then I showed her what an awesome job she did. She hadn't looked at the papers at all so she had no idea. Every week I bring out jellybeans & go over the math facts that she needs to know for the week. We usually start during the weekend because it takes her a little longer to learn the problems. By the way, she's learning multiplication & division at the same time. As much as the two of us struggle together this really gave me a boost that I desperately needed.

I'm so proud...

I've been having issues lately with sassiness. My child is a huge drama girl & is having problems distinguishing when you can act drama & when not to act drama. Saturday just happened to be one of those days. We weren't doing much that day except her final volleyball game & spending the day at Deb's house. Towards the evening I could tell that she was getting tired. I tried to talk or explain something to her & she gave me the sassiest tone of voice. I popped her in the mouth & put her in time out. I later explained to her that she would not be able to sleep with me that night. As a reward during the week I let her sleep with me Fri & Sat nights.

We got home later & then went to bed later. I was having a moment of weakness & asked Schane' if she wanted to sleep with me. She told me no because she didn't deserve it. Now, I know I shouldn't have done it, let alone even ask, but I'm not always strong. I know, who is?

I hate being the "everything" in the family. Most of the time I feel like I am doing everything wrong. Especially like Sat night. I mean, my child was stronger than me! What does that say?

Saturday, November 22, 2008

I'm Blogging Again!!

I'm not even going to try to go through the past few months & tell you what has been going on. Most of you know anyway. Schane' started a new school, I finally found a job, we quit cheerleading, but kept up with swimming & volleyball. In fact, Schane' had her last game today. She was very excited about it all week because at practice on Monday she was serving continuously over the net, which doesn't happen very often & mostly not at all at the games. Then today came, she missed the net. The look that was on her face was not pretty. Then it was her time to serve again, it didn't go over. I thought she was going to cry after that. This was not what she expected at all. Finally she served a third time & she hit it over once! That helped a lot though she was still upset because she only got one pt out of it. Her team, The Dolphins, lost both games, but did they ever improve. It was a good season. We are taking the winter off & will probably get back into in the spring. Schane' wants to start gymnastics & that starts in January.

Tim comes by about twice a week. Approx. 2 wks ago he came by with his brand new truck, new to him that is. Do you think it's big enough? Joan, my roommate, says he must be going through a mid life crisis. He says that she's just jealous. I just say whatever. Those things don't turn me on & I think they're a waist of money & gas.

One thing that most of you don't know is that I have had Schane' tested for a learning disability. It took approx 2 wks & the psych. called me last week to set up an appt. to discuss the results. With transferring to a new school I have found out that Schane' struggles really badly in school. She doesn't process well, she can't sit still worth anything to get homework done, & math continues to be a struggle every night. There might not be anything wrong & just may need a tutor but I had to get her tested to rule everything out so we both wouldn't feel like pulling our hair out 4 times a week. So I just ask that you keep the situation in your prayers. I know God is in control & he has a plan. Hopefully Tuesday we will know that plan!

Here's a cute pic of Deb & I at Halloween. Work had a Halloween contest & I actually won but I gave the gift card away. I didn't feel it was right with me being Deb's friend so I told them to give it to someone else.