
"Sing out loud in the car, even, or especially, it embarrasses your children."

Friday, May 15, 2009

2nd Place

I wouldn't have believed it but Schane' wrote a poem for something at school. I never did understand if the whole school wrote poems or just the 3rd grade or what. Now that I'm writing this I'm thinking that I didn't ask her many detailed questions. That's not good. I usually want to know everything but with school almost out I am asking less questions & she's giving less answers. But I have been asking for her to bring home this poem all week that she said she got 2nd place over. I was quite excited to read it considering she never told me she wrote a poem to begin with & got it entered in a contest.

First thing yesterday when I picked Schane' up & I asked her if she had her poem & she said yes. When we got home she brought it out & read it to me. I was really proud of the things that she said. As a parent you try to install so many things into your kids that you really don't know if they are using until somebody brings it to your attention or you witness first hand. So when I heard this poem I was really proud of what she had to say & also was wondering how come I don't see these things first hand from my child? As adults we know how to act & behave but do we always do the right thing? How many little league games or soccer games have you been to that the parents go crazy & get out of control? What kind of role model is that for your kids?

I talk to Schane' a lot about how God wants us to act & behave. I believe that we need to do this at a very early age or the kids are going to have no respect for anybody as they get older. No matter what we have our faults & we are going to act unsportmanlike but what Schane' had to say is a reminder for all of us on how to behave. Here's her poem:

"Getting Along at a Baseball Game"

When you lose, get along.

When you win, have some fun.

When it's a tie, support each other on.

It's not about winning, it's about the game.

If you want to win, do your best.

When the game is done and you did not win, tell each other good job.

If you got a trophy and the other team didn't, just tell them sorry you did not win.

If you do not know the other person on the other team, tell them a good job.

It's not much but I think it's great that she came up with all that on her own. Schane' hasn't been in many sports so to write down how God wants us to act is a great achievement in my eyes for my child. It helps to know that even when I think I am doing everything wrong she is understanding how we are to respect other people & support them no matter what.

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