
"Sing out loud in the car, even, or especially, it embarrasses your children."

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Just another post...

Here it is almost Wednesday & we are fully back in the grind with school & work. Schane' has had 2 bad days at school so we are obviously not off to a good start. It doesn't help when I get a sarcastic remark from an adult either that really undermines my authority. I think it's great that he is in her life but sometimes it would be easier if he wasn't so she wouldn't hear these comments that basically says I don't care what you do at school but your mom does. Yes. the story of my life continues. Battling & explaining the differences to Schane' about her mom & dad. I could really go on about this but I already feel my heart racing on the subject & I don't want to say anything that I will regret later.

We celebrated Christmas Sunday afternoon with her dad. It was actually really nice. I could tell that Tim really missed Schane' so it was great that they were able to spend some time together. He spoiled her like usual. I already mentioned to everybody what he was getting her so I won't get in to that either because that makes my blood boil too.

New topic...I see that Julie my sis n law posted pics of Julia's house after the flood so I thought that I would post a couple pics before the renovation.

For those of you that don't know what happened Julie & Gary's house flooded the night of Jan 1st. Julia comes in & wakes me up at 1:30 saying that the house is flooding & that I need to take all my stuff upstairs so it doesn't get wet. As you can imagine at that hr I am delirious & not all together hearing her. I grab a couple of things to take into the hallway, I watch my nephew Trevor carry Schane' up the stairs without waking her, & I go back in to the bedroom to grab more stuff & I walk in to a puddle of water. Ok so it's not a dream. The house really is flooding!

After that it all becomes a blurrrrr. We had all the kids awake & everyone is frantically going up & down the stairs as fast as we all could go. We had piles on the kitchen table, piles on chairs, things that were in tubs went out in to the garage, & so forth. Happy Stickin New Year to all! And you want to the funniest & weirdest part of the whole thing? It was snowing!! Can you believe it? I kept asking God what good can come from flooding the house & snowing at the same time but I don't think we got that answer yet. We may never know what he was thinking at that moment but I know that we were all tired & in a state of shock that we were all once again piled together in the upstairs together fighting to go to sleep & listening to Trevor snore at the same time. All this time Schane' sleeps, even though she says that she didn't, & Bestema kept coming out feeling sorry for all of us & wishing she could help but couldn't so she went back to bed.

I left Arizona to be with family & I feel like I couldn't have been closer to my family than the two weeks that I spent with all of them. Despite all the ups & down, the 8" of snow, half of the family sick, etc., I loved it all & I thank my parents for sending us home. Thank you for the greatest white Christmas that I can remember!

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